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Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

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Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

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Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

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Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

If you are new to online gambling, live online Roulette casino is the best place to start. This classic gambling game is a top choice for every online casino. It combines fun, fortune, and an exciting user experience. While the game does not require a specific skill set, having a keen eye can greatly increase your chances of victory. It is also advisable to keep your calm throughout the game.

Casino roulette is not the best game to make some quick bucks. However, it remains the most sought-after online roulette Malaysia casino game. Try your luck at live roulette Malaysia and experience the thrill of the game.


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Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

T&Cs Apply

New customers only

Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.
Red Dog

T&Cs Apply

New customers only

Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

T&Cs Apply

New customers only

Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

T&Cs Apply

New customers only

Cras in nisi id turpis cursus vulputate. Aliquam at sapien non tellus congue efficitur. Nam scelerisque quam quis link turpis pellentesque, in placerat.

*Integer porttitor malesuada ante, nec aliquet dui pellentesque sit amet. Fusce non pretium lacus.

Playing Online Roulette Casino

The rules of online Roulette casino game are simple, nearly the same as the offline version. However, it would be wise to glance at the basics before entering a real game. 

The Aim

A regular online roulette game consists of a roulette wheel, chips, and bets. These chips are not the same as your usual casino chips. When you play roulette, the dealer provides you with coins for the game. Each player usually has chips of a different color to differentiate their bets.

Your aim in the game is to place your bet on specific numbers, guessing where the ball might stop. All the numbers on the wheel have an equal chance of coming up. Thus, predicting the winning numbers in the coming rounds is nearly impossible, making it a game of pure luck.

The Layout

There are two aspects to a roulette layout: the wheel and the table. The wheel has a carefully laid out arrangement of numbers in red and black. Further, it spins with the ball after you have placed your bets. The table has the numbers where you place your chips to make a bet. 

The table is also divided into two parts: the inside table and the outside table. The bets you place on the inside table are “inside bets.” Similarly, the bets placed on the outside table are “outside bets.”

The Wagers

Inside Bets

The inside table generally has 36 numbers in red and black boxes and a zero in green. However, in some versions of the casino roulette, there are 38 numbers when double-zeroes are present. Here are some popular inside bets that you can make in every variation of the online roulette:

  • Straight Up: You can bet on a single number on the entire board.
  • Split: You place your bet on the line between two adjacent numbers. So, you win if either of those numbers shows up on the wheel. For example, one and four or three and six.
  • Street: You can place the street bet on a row of numbers. For example, one to three or seven to nine.
  • Corner: This bet also involves placing your chips in-between numbers like the split bet. Instead of the line, you place the chip on the joint corner of four adjacent numbers in the corner wager.
  • Line: You can bet on two consequent rows under this bet—for example, 10 to 15.
  • Five: You can only bet on the numbers 0, 00, 1, 2, and 3 in this wager.
  • Basket: This is a bet on the first four numbers: 0, 1, 2, and 3.

Outside Bets

You make these bets on the outside table that borders the inside table. Further, this table has specifications allowing you to bet on a larger group of numbers. Here are some popular outside bets in Malaysia casino roulette:

  • Odd/Even: As the name suggests, you can place a bet on all odd or even numbers on the table.
  • 50/50 (Red or Black): While people commonly refer to this bet as the 50/50 bet, the name is quite misleading. Here, you can place a bet on either all red numbers or all black numbers. However, since zero is green, none of the 50/50 bets win if it shows up on the wheel. 

This zero decreases your chance of winning to slightly less than 50/50 and gives the house advantage. You can make this bet by placing your chips on the “red” or “black” boxes on the table.

  • High/Low: Under this wager, you can place your chips on either the “high” (19-36) or “low” (1-18) numbers.
  • Columns: This is a bet on one of the three columns on the inside table.
  • Dozens: This bet on the numbers 1-12, 13-24, or 25-36.

Types of Online Roulette

As we mentioned earlier, there are numerous variations of casino roulette. Some of the most popular forms of roulette include the American, French, and European roulettes. These types differ in their wheels, tables, layouts, and bets. While the general rules remain the same, additional factors in each variation make the game more thrilling.

The American live roulette wheel differs from all others because of an additional number. While roulette wheels usually have 37 numbers, the American roulette wheel has 38. It has a double-zero, another green box that gives the dealer an advantage in even bets. The presence of two green boxes makes the American roulette wheel more favorable to dealers.

Best Roulette Online: Malaysia Roulette Wheel – Tips to Keep In Mind

Roulette is a rapidly rising game in roulette online Malaysia casinos. However, it’s still a game of chance. There is very little skill involved apart from predicting where the ball will land. While it is not the best online casino Malaysia to make money, it has lower chances of fixing and bias.

The different variations of tables can alter your chances of winning. So think carefully before you decide which version you want to play. Also, the types of bets you place will dictate the total payout you get. Generally, the safer the bet, the lower the payout. This means you’ll need to place a riskier bet to get a higher return.

Always remember, a calm mind and a keen eye during the live roulette game can take you a long way.